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Hello everyone!

My name is Jahnu Best, I live in Hilo, Hawaii, US, and I’m 16 years old.

On a bridge overlooking Hilo, Hawaii

I’m currently enrolled in college at the University of Hawaii at Hilo. Big steps.

I finished a trip around the world with my grandmother in June 2012. It was 7 months (229 days) long. I visited 16 countries and 44 cities, towns and villages.

In Melbourne, Australia

Hiking in Julian, California

At a fortress in Dinant, Belgium

In London, England

About Blender Mesh

I started this website because (at first) I wanted to help beginners learn Blender with the Blender Beginners Tutorial. Then I decided to keep going and create other tutorials. Most of the tutorials on this website (so far) are beginner tutorials.

Yup, the Blender Mesh posts page.

Learning Blender

I first even thought about 3D software after I watched the famous movie Avatar, and I promised myself that I would do work like that one day. So I searched up computer animation program and I came up with the landscape program Terragen and worked on that for a while – but I wasn’t satisfied with that.

An example of some Terragen work I did

So after my dad showed me a program called POV-Ray – a program which renders an image by ray tracing – I was glued. I managed to find Blender (mostly because it was free), and started to experiment. I can thank Andrew Price’s Grass Tutorial for really teaching me to use Blender’s interface. But if you’d see of my first stuff, they’re junk. I was really excited over them when I pressed F12, but now they’re just reminders of how much I’ve learned.

My first interior scene EVER ....

But I eventually began to get it all. And it didn’t even take very long, thanks to the vast amount of tutorials around. And as I began to get better, I also began to realize how hard 3D work is – what to speak of Avatar.

A little better, perhaps ....

So there it is. Blender Mesh isn’t so big right now, but I hope to create more tutorials and see what happens :)

Other Stuff

I happen to play sports – ping pong and tennis, mostly. I’ve got about ten trophies from tennis, and I don’t play much competitive table tennis.

Playing in a ping pong tournament right before my world tour, October 16, 2011

With all the other junior competitors (I'm on the far right, the tall guy)

Playing a match (on the left table, again, I'm the tall guy)

Playing a tennis tournament in 2008

... And with the champion's trophy, in Fall 2008 at Hilo, Hawaii

As well as all that, I draw pictures ….

A picture I drew recently for a book my grandmother is writing

There’s nine children in my family – counting me, of course – six boys and three girls.

My family in 2013

So there it is! That’s me and my life. If you have any questions or comments feel free to comment :)  Cheers.

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